Bodø, Norway
8 September 2018
It was an honour for Team Alpha-1 Athlete to host the Worlds Strongest Disabled Man 2018.
We would like to thank
- all our sponsors for making it possible to provide the venue, transportation, food and goodie bags for the athletes
- the referees for
- special guest Zydrunas Savickas for coming to our show, to step in as an extra referee, to do not 1, but 2 log lifts for the audience, and for handing out the medals and certificates to all the athletes
- special guest Dione Masters from Strongman Corporation for attending our show, and to also step in as an extra referee
- our German crew, who proved themselves to be one of the best crews to ever work a strongman floor
- and not at least all the athletes who came to compete
Karen and Torbjørn Skålvoll
Looking forward to this! Ill be seeing you all there.