
Featured athlete: Buz Kuzan


We proudly present an american extreme adaptive athlete, Buz Kuzan. He is the first athlete in the world to have completed three Spartan Sprints under oxygen therapy. It was a treat to do the last Spartan Sprint of 2016 in South Carlina with Buz and his coach Kasey.

Buz is not your average IPF  (Idiopathic lung fibrosis) patient, he is a passionate athlete that works hard every single day to be stronger and to beat the odds he was given. His bond with his coach is strong and to honor Buz coach Kasey wears an elevation mask when they race. As a matter of fact, Buz was last year awarded the first “Buzfecta” , meaning he had completed three Spartan Sprints in a season. For the 2017 season the goal is set to beat last years big goal. There is only one thing to say: we love this athlete and his fuzzy goals.

For many that live with IPF that in it self is more than enough to handle, Buz is also dealing with PTSD, despite all of this he makes it to the gym regularly and he inspires many people not only those that meet him on the course, but also those that read about him or sees his photos.

Team Alpha-1 Athlete is this year working hard for Buz, his coach and one of the Corn Fed Spartans to come to Europe to race with our team. Plan is to do 3 for all at the Oslo Marathon, then a Spartan Sprint in Slovakia. We are currently working on funding for this project. We are all working hard for this to happen.

To be on a Spartan course is had, when you can’t breathe it is even tougher, to make sure Buz is safe his te
am will carry oxygen, they will carry extra food and drink, but most of all his team is all about starting as a team and fi
nishing as a team. Never have we experienced such a closely knitted team, and we are thrilled to introduce you to Buz.





2 thoughts on “Featured athlete: Buz Kuzan

  • Steven R Kuzan (Buz)

    Thank you Karen ? Your words are so kind. It was such a great feeling and honor to meet you, Torbjorn and Hakon and do the Spartan Sprint here AND be a part of your accomplishment of first oxygen therapy athlete to finish a Spartan Trifecta. ( A Sprint, Super and a Beast ) With love for all of you warriors out there. Proud to be a part of this incredible group.

  • The pleasure and honor was on our side, Buz! Warriors strong we are. Not long until we meet again in South Carolina for this years final races.


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