
Feature: Peter Moore

We are thrilled to present Peter to you, a dear friend from South Africa who decided to not let COPD get the better of him. In South Africa there is no lung transplant if you don’t have private health insurance, yes you did not misread it. In a country where the organ shortage is vast the biggest hurdle is proper care if you are on the governmental health scheme. Peter a former marine is one of those patients that have to find a different way of prolonging their lives.

For Peter this means a lung reduction surgery in order to shut off the damaged part of the lungs, this makes the healthy part of the lungs perform better. In order to have this life prolonging surgery Peter have set up this donation page: Donations You can help him buy some more time on earth and with his family by donating to his fund. Remember, there is NO funding for this in the governmental health scheme in South Africa.

What is most remarkable about Peter is that he still is warriors strong, with diminishing lung capacity most people find it too hard to fight back, this marine has found his way. He has been walking, biking and now swimming in open water! All as a part of keeping him self more fit and make every day life easier, but most of all for the greater cause of raising awareness in a country where lung disease have very few advocates. Peter is holding the torch veryhigh for the ones yet to walk his path, and he is a guiding light for those that come after him.

Most recently he is taking on a mile swim in open water! An official entry to the River Mile Swim. His team will be in a canoe with his oxygen concentrator whilst he swim along side the canoe. How awesome is all we can say. Thousands of spectators will se this world first! Way to go Peter, we will be cheering you on from the other side of the world.



2 thoughts on “Feature: Peter Moore

  • Peter, my darling husband, what an inspiration you are to all, I’m so proud of you, I love you. Thank you for this article raising awareness. :-)♡♥

    • admin

      We are so thrilled to feature Peter, he is truly an inspiration to many, many people that live with respiratory disease. The way he advocates in South Africa makes a difference for the children of tomorrow.


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